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Blog Review for

By Kyle Chezum Updated on 11/2/2010

Reviewed by Kyle Chezum


Tre Pryor is a real estate professional who lives and works in the Louisville area of Kentucky.  In conjunction with his real estate career, Tre operates a blog that covers topics related to the local Louisville real estate marketplace.  He does an impressive job.  As a local expert, Tre provides his readers access to a wealth of unique, original information that is updated frequently.

Tre writes with clarity and focus.  He doesn't waste words, and his posts are always well thought out and useful.  He writes on everything from market statistics to local employment rates to real estate buying tips.  He writes about economic conditions and the stability of the housing market.  He communicates clearly with an aim toward educating his readers, and he is consistently informed and personable.

Many of his posts commemorate the positive recognition that Louisville has received as a significant American city, and it's apparent that Tre takes great pride in the place he calls home.  In a recent post, he praised a local Louisville neighborhood that was included on a list of ten "Hot New Neighborhoods" by AOL.  Tre is dedicated to keeping local readers as well as potential homebuyers informed about the value and benefits of the Louisville lifestyle.

In many of his posts, Tre offers quotes and opinions from experts other than himself.  This demonstrates his focus on education and getting the right information across to readers, regardless of who gets the credit.  It also gives Tre's blog great credibility and shows that he cares about the truth of things more than making a name for himself.  This is refreshing to see.

We were impressed with the overall presentation of Tre's blog.  It's an excellent place to get solid real estate information, advice, and updates.  We give it five stars.  Check it out for yourself at

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About The Author:
Kyle Chezum
My name is Kyle Chezum. I'm a Marketing Associate here at Lender411com. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. Thanks!.

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