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Updated on 2/22/2011

Reviewed by Kyle Chezum


Alan, who describes himself as a "regular guy" who is "interested in making money," operates and writes for a investment and personal finance blog called  In this blog, Alan discusses numerous methods of FOREX trading, stock market investing, and other ways to build wealth.  He focuses on introducing readers to multiple ways to accomplish these wealth creation goals on the internet.

Alan writes with a personal style.  His posts are easily recognizable for the ease of comprehension with which he writes.  He even signs his name at the bottom of all his blog posts, which lends the blog a personal feel.

One of the most valuable and unique aspects of Alan's Money Blog is the number of guest posts he publishes.  This allows him to provide opinions and ideas expressed by other professionals and financial minds alongside his own, giving his own ideas and commentaries more credibility while exposing readers to interesting views they might not have encountered otherwise.  While many bloggers feature guest posts and other professionals on their sites, Alan does so with regularity and an eye for useful, quality information.

This is an excellent blog to read if you're interested in learning about how to invest in multiple asset classes through the internet.  Check it out today to start learning more about how you can build wealth.

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