Hi I'm looking for a lender who will provide a construction-permanent loan for a teardown in Atlanta, GA. I've heard that Brand Mortgage, Private Bank of Buckhead, Wells and SunTrust provide this. Are...
My loan is currently owned by Fannie Mae and serviced by Seterus. The interest rate is currently 6.81% and I have MI on the loan provided by United Guaranty. Principal balance is $47,860 Fannie Mae valu...
When getting quotes on comparing VA loan rates,they're not going to run a credit report on me just for quotes are they? I just want to know basically who is offering better deals based upon my info I gi...
We rented our house in Georgia, and our work covers our apartment. We moved internationally due to work. Can we refinance our home?
and they have files=d for forclosure.I have the money to make the loan current from my 401k.If i make the payment and they reinstate my loan does that mean i am again liable for the entire mortgage or d...
I own my home free and clear. Would like to buy another townhome in the same building/same community. My credit score is a 684. Is this possible without a huge down payment? Thanks for your time!
My credit score is a 596. I have over 4 years on my job and a good down payment saved but Im having trouble getting a loan can somebody help me
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