I am a 30 year veteran and have been presented with a contract offer on my deceased fathers' home in Lawton OK. We have lowered the price by $10,000 because we were informed by a foundation company th...
I have a loan that was taken out back on Jan/2009 and when I checked with Fannie Mae site it seems they own it. I've never missed a payment and current on my loan. 1 year after I got my loan I was la...
Is it not better to go direct with the bank? I thought brokers were squeezed out, but my realtor is recommending me get qualified for my loan thru a broker. Do u think he is getting a kick-back? Plea...
The addition prices out at $25,000. My residence is appraised at $155,00 with a remaining balance of $131,000. I have seen an FHA Title 1 home improvement loan but I don't know if that is my best option...
hi my boyfriend and I are looking at buying a house. only problem is that he owns a house already its listed for 249000 and it he owes 233000 but it is a free down mortgage so between penilties and real...
I know 720 credit is gold and gets you best rates. Is 719 the same? or does it have to be 720 and above?
Is there any technique I can use to get my seller to help with the closing costs? PLease help me, any penny counts and I know there are ways in doing that.
Should we go for variable if we are eventually selling this house and moving? Why would I pay the extra percentage in rates?
If I enlist in the army can we take advantage of a va loan or I have to have served already? What is the qualification?
When comparing "no cost" deals what exactly should i look for? Are there fine prints I should know about? Would comparing actual rates suffice? Any help is appreciated.
If so, how much do the rates increase for lower credit scores. For example what if my score is below 600?
I filed bankruptcy bank in Feb 2010 and "supposedly" re-affirned" my home. However, papers weren't signed, so all the payments I have made since them have not been "helping" my credit score. I make $...
My husband and I have a combined annual income of $148,000. My credit score is 657 and his is 678. We are interested in building a house on our land that will cost about $225,000. We have $20,000 to ...
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