I was discharged of a Chapter 7 in Dec. of 09. I did not re-affirm my home but have continued to make payments on it. I was behind for awhile even after the bankruptcy. However I am now current and have...
I am looking to purchase a home in the 700-800k range. Great income 700+ credit. Had a short sale two and a half years ago but was never late. Had to move due to a taking a job out of state.Really need ...
I live in Indiana. I plan to apply for a VA loan through a mortgage lender who is VA approved and also is (Lapp) Lender Appraisal Program. I have heard that sellers sometimes don't want to deal with som...
When I purchased the condo, it was approved but that approval expired. Can i still get a streamline refinance?
We have a purchase contract on a home, need to close by Feb 18th. Our lender just called this morning and said we need 20% down or a co signer. Debt to Income is close to 50% . My husband drives a truck...
I'm shopping around for rates on a 15-year conventional loan but I was wondering if there was something online that I could compare my offers to, just to get a sense of what is available
I have been offered a streamlined ARM Re-fi at 3.0% on my VA residence. What are the pros and cons? I calculated that I have about ten years left on the pay off at 5.0% Lender says with his ARM Hybr...
I own a rental property (was initially a primary residence when purchased) but I have since rented it out and moved in with my wife. My credit score is in the low 800's. The loan is conventional 15 ye...
I bought my first townhouse in May 2010 with the first time homebuyer credit. The loan was a 30 year fixed at 5.5% for $172,000. My loan balance is around $164,000 today and my home is probably worth be...
My HELOC has recently matured (I think that's the proper term), so my once $100 / month interest only payment has jumped to $520 / month P&I. I mistakenly believed that I had five more years until that ...
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