It has been 18 years and seller never filed any Liens or judgements. Only has a letter they sent dated 2001. Refinancing and the lender asked that we get a release from them.
When we bought it years ago we weren't planning on having a large family. But we do now and there's very little room to expand our current home. Is there anyway to split the property? Or something else?...
I'm scheduled to close today. Everything was fine until 24 hours ago when my lender asked for a document from my employer that is against my company's policy to provide. I literally cannot comply. My...
My brother is basically asking for his share of his inheritance early. But with only 10 more years until their mortgage is paid off I feel like it's not a good idea. Plus my parents are going to be reti...
Wants to will me her portion of the house that she owns with my step dad. But if they are both on title and she passes away before he does, does ownership all go to him?
So i have 200k inheritance coming my way. Is it better to buy 1 condo all cash or 2 houses with a mortgage? Can I even have 2 mortgages at the same time??
I'm looking to buy a new home. Is it easier to get a mortgage with the bank that holds my current mortgage?
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