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Heard it's easier to get a approved for a house rather than a condo.

I rather buy a condo because I realy don't need a yard. to much work but is it that much harder to get a loan for a condo? Shoud I go for a house instead? by cliffski255 from Bantry, North Dakota. Nov 14th 2019 Reply

Dan Paladin (dpaladin)
#356 ranked lender in California - 792 contributions

Hi, there is just more paperwork as the condo HOA has to be approved as well. Lender will review a condo cert for items such as reserves, occupancy types among many other items. Master Insurance is reviewed as well. From the buyer's perspective nothing additional. Just the extra step of reviewing HOA documents. So in my opinion not really harder. Hope that helps.

Nov 15th 2019
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