Is it possible to get a mortgage with an LLC as my partner? One of us will be living in the home.
I am are considering a VA loan. I am trying to calculate my payment with one of the online calculators, what is the min percentage I must put down for a VA loan? Thanks!
What lenders use the lowest credit scores? for VA and FHA? I'm stuck at 620..
I need to refinance my mortgage. Can I refinance a condo while our H.O.A is having a court case with the developer of the property?
I am ready to buy my first home previously I had co-signed a home loan for a relative. However, I do not claim the property (that I previously co-signed for) on my taxes, nor do I make any payments towa...
I have calculated that my wife and i can afford $1800.00/month on a mortgage, were are looking to pay off $140,000 mortgage over 10 years at 4.90% (5 year amortization). however our adviser told us to ...
For a conventional loan, can I use a co-signer?
How far in advance can you get pre-qualfied before you purchase a home? I am planning on moving to CA from Idaho for a job promotion. I am currently renting, but would like to be approved before the mo...
I am turning my house over due to chapter 7. I know that depending on credit scores I am not eligible another home loan for two years. Can I get a new mortgage if I have a co-signer with really good cre...
My husband and I had our home foreclosed on and we also filed bankruptcy in March of 2009. We purchased a home through a land contract in Feb 2009. We had put 15,000.00 down on the land contract. Most ...
Im looking into a mortgage, I checked my credit and it appears to be excellent. I will need to borrowr 250k-350k. A 30 year fixed sounds like the best route but I am not sure.i plan on retiring in I wo...
I am looking for a house in the 900,00 range in San Mateo. Both my and my spouses credit scores are around 800 . we have saved around 20 percent for a down payment and currently have monthly income of ...
We are applying for a loan for 330K we have been given two options 15-yr 4.5% fixed interest rate or 30-yr 5.25% fixed interest rate. What is the better option? and why? what does this mean for my month...
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