I am retired and receive a pension. My wife still works and will likely continue working so we do have income enough to support a mortgage, I just don't know how to go about this. I've been retired for ...
I applied for a FHA loan late last year had a couple bumps on my credit. Fixed those and was finally approved. Signed closing docs and 6 days later I get a email that the loan is moving forward and the...
a search brings up stated income loans for selfemployed. will i qualify with 710 credit scoring? i have a landscaping company that has been doing well but have not been able to get prequaled by the bank...
My credit is 725 and I have a 30% DTI but calcd it myself so not completely sure. I'd like an ARM because I'm moving but only temporarilily and ARM rates are lower for the fixed period compared to a fix...
i do not know what mortgage i can afford or range of pricing with homes. i bring home 58 per year before taxes, have a car loan out ($230 per month) and pay a little child support ($300 per month) don't...
Is it possible to obtain a mortgage for a new home??
i haven't had a W-2 since 2007. do i need to apply as a self-employed worker? i'd like to know what is best for credit 717 but very unsteady income. When i do receive a paycheck it covers me for several...
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