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My mission as a mortgage planner, loan officer, and mortgage consultant is to communicate regularly with my clients, provide good information to help them make educated decisions, and work diligently on their behalf to fund their loan well within the required timeline.

In a "tighter" lending industry and with increasing competitive offers on desirable homes... having a mortgage consultant that cares about you and has the experience, knowledge, and dedication to making sure your loan gets done in a timely manner is imperative. As part of Mason-McDuffie Mortgage Corp., a top 100 lender the nationally, I have the utmost confidence in funding my loans on time every time!

Please visit my website at where you can also find a link to our main website. You can email me at

I think people hear about different local homebuyer assistance programs available to people on certain levels of income, but they may not think they qualify. There might be some hurdles to go through, but if home ownership is...
President Obama announced the reduction in the annual MIP rates by 50 BPS and the subsequent temporary case cancellation authority, affecting primarily 30 year Fixed rate FHA insured loans that are currently in the loan...
FHA insured loans have been a big part of preventing further economic collapsein 2009 on, and enabled so many first time buyers or second chance home buyersto buy their own homes. This was timely as subsequently conventional...
The category is probably not quite what I would prefer but I thought people who question their credit would look to this category in determining whether there might even be mortgage loans available to them. The mortgage bank...
I think people hear about different local homebuyer assistance programs available to people on certain levels of income, but they may not think they qualify. There might be some hurdles to go through, but if home ownership is a dream then perhaps it is time to look into the opportunity even if one has little savings. I want to speak about the opportunity my company provides for people throughout California who may not have much savings but would really love to have the opportunity to buy their own home. You may be surprised at the maximum income level allowed for down payment and closing costs assistance by us in your area. We are now able to loan up to $600,000 while providing assistance in some areas! Check HUD online for possible first time buyer education and assistance in your State or municipality. We first find out what maximum home purchase price you might qualify for. Then we take into consideration how many individuals altogether will be living in the home. If you and your spouse both work but you are qualifying for the home purchase on your own, we can then only count your income towards qualifying for the maximum allowable income amount. It is possible to have as high as $160,100 a year in income and still qualify for down payment and closing cost assistance, in a "higher priced home" region of California! Surprisingly, even if your mid credit score among the 3 major bureau credit scores, is relatively low (i.e. 640) you can qualify for a very low rate with our down payment and closing costs assistance programs. We are very experienced in providing these programs and the fact we fund our loans can increase the likelihood of qualifying and accomplishing the mortgage purchase loan within required timelines. Knowing Mason McDuffie Mortgage Corp. has the reputation for completing a lot of these loans and in record time can help listing agents and their sellers feel confident in accepting sales offers from our very qualified borrowers utilizing down payment and closing costs assistance available to them!

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