Want va loan for purchase of used doublewide mobile home price 25,000 to 30,000..What do I need to qualify?
I am not listed on our current house loan. How did he refinance without me being on the loan?
Could one of the many experts who post on this site please help me with this facet of the conversation:I have a $300,000 30yr fixed mortgage at 5.2% and $100,000 in the bank. I plan to own (or rent) the...
I'm looking to pay off some high interest credit cards, buy a car and refurb my kitchen. Not sure if i should go with a Home Equity Loan or a mortgage? At this point I own my home out right. Thoughts...
I am trying to find a lender that can potentually finance a purchase on a non-warrantable condo in Ca with 20-30% down.
We are selling our house in a short sale. Our present mortgage is a conventional, and my husband has a clear entitlement to a VA backed mortgage. How soon can we qualify for a VA mortgage?
Hi, I'm looking to purchase a first time home for @ $80,000 in 3/12 in Ohio, my DTI is @30%, just paid off all my bad credit and started two new cc's to rebuild my credit, mthly income is @1400 and cour...
I have been divorced for 26 months. I have bought a condo almost 1 1/2 years ago. My ex lives in my house we have on the market for 289,000. I am paying maintenance, child support of $1500 towards my...
husband's name is on mortgage of doublewide mobile home. The land it sits on was gifted to both of us and is in both of our name. He says the land is held as collateral for the house loan. He wants the ...
The question is if I have 100k cash and I wanted to purchase a house of 100k. Intrest rate currently @ 4.375% 15y, 2.5k closing cost 6.875% total 1y target. So then rent it for atleast 10out12months for...
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