Benefits and Drawbacks of Fixed Rate Mortgages
By Gretchen Wegrich Updated on 7/21/2017
The most common type of mortgage is the fixed rate mortgage. This mortgage type features a 15 or 30-year term length with a fixed rate that never adjusts upward or downward during the life of the loan.
There are benefits and drawbacks to this type of loan.
Benefits of a fixed rate mortgage
The advantages of the fixed rate mortgage outweigh the downsides, which makes this loan type attractive to many home buyers. We’ve listed the most important advantages here.
- Your rate never increases. You know what your rate will be for the entire length of the loan. You can make long term financial plans around your mortgage.
- From an investment standpoint, you’ll save money if market rates increase.
- The fixed rate mortgage is a standard loan option, which makes it simple to compare mortgage rates from multiple lenders.
Drawbacks of a fixed rate mortgage
There are a few drawbacks to the fixed rate mortgage loan type.
- You’ll pay extra for a fixed rate mortgage.
- You won’t get the low rate offered with adjustable mortgages.
- You may lose money if market rates go down someday.
After weighing the benefits and drawbacks, it’s apparent that the fixed rate mortgage provides many advantages to clients wishing to fund a home purchase. If you can't qualify due to your credit score or other issues, consider an alternative mortgage program.
But otherwise, the fixed rate mortgage is one of the best mortgage types available today.
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About The Author:
Gretchen Wegrich
Gretchen Wegrich is an editor at Lender411. She specializes in mortgage basics, personal finance and green living. She graduated with a bachelor's degree in writing from University of California, San Diego and previously worked at the Santa Cruz Sentinel. Contact her at gretchen@lender411com.
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