My current loan was originally 190,200 at 5.875 (not APR) for 30 years, this was five years ago and now currently at a balance of 160,000. If I didn't refinance, I'd pay 36,000 additional against the pr...
I'm looking to do some comparison shopping. Already have two lenders that do an IRRRL without appraisal. Just asking if anyone knows of any other lenders.
Is there a way to reduce the size of my payments considering my home has lost value since I purchased it back in 2005. I still have $510,000 outstanding on the loan, but the property which used to be va...
I purchased my home in 2006 for $254,500 at a 7.5% rate with credit in the mid-600's. House appraised for $230,00 about three months ago. I have no money to make up the difference, but is there a way to...
My current loan is $340,000 and I can refinance it down to $335,000. So far only $5k has gone towards my principal. The APR on the loan was 4.375% and I was paying $1,700 a month. Can I refinance to low...
Can I use evidence of ongoing disability to increase my income to debt ratio for refinancing a home loan?
We have owned our house for the past four years and it's current value is $1.5. We have $1.3 left in the loan balance, so an LTV of 85-90%. We are currently paying an interest only loan and would like t...
Can I refinance a second home under HARP which used to be my primary residence when I first bought it? The LTV is more than 125%
if i buy a home with cash, can i then take out a va loan and get 100% of the appraised value in cash?
I bought a condo back in July, 30 years at 5%, I'm looking to refinance for 20 or 15 years and take 5% cash out. Do I have to wait 6 months, and my credit is 805.
We have a Freddie Mac mortgage and we're currenlty underwater almost 100,000, the home is valued at 375,000. Can we refinance through a HARP or what can we do?
Currently I have 534,00 still left on my home loan, but I know I am underwater. I have been paying this for five year and have never been late on a payment. Because of my income to debt ratio, my credit...
I was curious is it possible if I have two separate mortgages with two different companies would it be possible to refinance one without affecting the other?
We have excellent credit (820). My husband and I have been working for 10-15 years, with a combined take home of $110,000. Currently we have a first mortgage with $350,000 left and a second with $140,00...
Are there any mortgage refinancing options based only on one year of tax returns? If not, what is the bare minimum necessary for a refinance on a mortgage, I wish to avoid showing some bad credit and ot...
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