According to what I understand about the medicaid program, senior patients cannot have more than $2,000 plus a house and a car. Why then do reverse mortgages remove eligibility when a borrower is cashin...
how are mortgage rates determined? what organization is setting/calculating mortgage rates each day and what factors influence it?
I'm trying to refinance my home. I have not paid an upfront app fee or anything. No credit card on file. My broker ordered an appraisal. The loan was declined because of the value from the appraisal ...
My husband and I are getting divorced and we happen to have a joint mortgage. What is the easiest option to remove my name from the mortgage? I do not want my credit to be damaged if any payments are mi...
how reliable is a preapproval? how often do borrowers get preapproved for a loan and then denied later? I'm looking to buy my first house and I've been preapproved and I just want to make sure that I do...
I've been approved for a $200,000 loan and I was looking to purchase a home valued at $175,000. Would it be possible to accept the full amount of the loan and use the remaining funds for remodeling proj...
can I get a refund on my home appraisal if I was ultimately denied the loan?
My wife and I currently live in the Chicago suburbs. The purchase price of our home was 411k in April 2008. In early 2011 we refinanced to the rate of 5.875%. During this refinance our home was appraise...
what is a warranty deed? is it the same as a quit claim deed?
what happens if the bank where I obtained a mortgage loan goes bankrupt?
how does age factor into the reverse mortgage application process? I know that borrowers must be at least 62 to qualify, but does being older influence the rates or costs of a reverse mortgage?
What is FHA minimum amount loaned? I found a condo i'm interested in for 30,000.
In a case like this is the appraisal not an acceptable way to establish value
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