My husband and I have a joint mortgage which has never been late, we've had it since 2006. He wanted to apply for a HARP loan but I was concerned of my low credit score and lack of income. He has the hi...
I checked the internet, but could not see what he rate is or if it is up or down????
Is it possible for my husband to use my income without putting me on the loan? I was out of work on disablility for several months and fell behind on some items. They are all caught up now but I don't ...
A lender offered to pay $900 in "lender credit" to keep closing costs to $500. Offer was in written form, on the application. However, at closing, the credit disappeared, the agent claimed that fannie...
First time buyer, I have about a 10 year credit history and I have paid off all my credit cards and other debt including my car. The worst record that is on my report is "failed to pay" and that was abo...
Hi, My wife and I are green card holders living in GA, 30024. I would like to refinance our home in the UK with a company in the US so that I can manage payment of the loan here in the US. We have a lot...
I just did HAMP, passed trial period, modification was settled and I already did my first modified payment. In fact, the modification result is that my principal was reduced from $630K to $490K, but the...
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