Do you need a loan to pay your bills? If yes,contact US ON THIS EMAIL...( ) with this following details... (1) Full Name(2)Loan Amount Needed(3)Duration(4) country(5)Phone numb...
I've been reading trying to find key diffrences bewteen HARP2 and an FHA streamline refi - in the middle of trying to decide what's going to work better for me - and maybe I'm just slow but I'm having a...
hi im in a situation now where i qualify for zero downpayment because of military and that's what my wife wants. i am a marine. we have about $7k in savings. both have great credit scores and are lookin...
5 years ago my wife and I moved to this state because I got a better job opportunity. Put our house on the market and it stayed listed for a year for about $120k lower than we owed. We were given housi...
I am 27 and saving up to buy for the first time in the next couple of years. When I tell a lot of people about this they often say something like "HARP 3 should benefit you." I thought HARP was mostly a...
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