If so, all of it or jsut a percentage? We have good income, decent amount of debt from first mortgage and credit of 750. I feel we need the rental income to boost our dti ratio
I'm currently going through a lengthy trial as someone is suing for over 7 thousand. Must i report this as applying for a loan, even if i may win? My credit is 750 and my dti ratio is also above average.
What loan would be best for home improvement. And it would be for family, not renting if that makes a difference
Hello, I am remarrying this spring. 7 years ago I was widowed and life insurance did not cover much of the mortgage. It never mattered too much because I've always been employed and am paid well enough....
Would lender give me a hard time about ? In case they do what I should do? Thanks
I am considering buying a property as an investment. I had a foreclosure over 3 years ago. The property is currently rented and producing income. I can put down up to 20% down. My FICO score is 690...
at what point would it affect my credit
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