if not, what is the bare minimum on tax returns for income to show? we are looking to buy in 120K range
I know it affects the debt to income ratio but i have good credit and it does show that i always make responsible payments.
Also, on that note what is my maximum percentage of total home value I can go up to ?
Additional $9000. They have never released lean on property n now they sent it to collections. What is my recourse
My credit was ruined when i was 18 and has slowly picked up above 620. I have inheritance money saved for a home and i've been working at my job for 3 years. Do i even have a chance or should i wait til...
the home at its current square footage 2,800 sq. feet for the loan mod. but I realized when the mod came back at Negative LTV that the original loan was based on the previous square footage of 1,649. T...
I been in my job for 17 years
Statement had a lender credit (had to use their preferred lender in order for them to pay the 2% towards my costs) of 1500 and seller paid costs that only made up the difference to bring the total to 2%...
Just trying to wrap my head around that before i apply for a conventional loan early 2014
Is there actually a maximum per year as i've heard or would a refi help?
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