Looking for a house under $100k
and how much of a difference would it make on monthly payments for a 30 year $100,000 loan.. i don't know if i should see a credit counselor first or if its worth it
I'm looking for a loan on an approved condo with 10% or less down. This will be a vacation home about 300 miles away from our personal home.
i'm worried about my wives credit for delinquent credit card payments but my salary, credit and down payment saving is very good. how do i go about getting reasonable rates
It is still the same industry and similar position. What can i do to get approved sooner than my 2 year mark?
Trying to decide if we should make an offer and lock before new year.
The guy working with us is taking for ever. It has been over 3 weeks now. He keeps asking for more documents (paystub and letter of employment, now he wants tax returns) He says he is working on it. ...
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