If we are contemplating buying a second home, which we will rent out as a rental property - do we have to put 20% down if we are gettnig a mortgage on it?
My Wife and I both work for our family business, we have been drawing a salary for 7 months, and have worked for the company for 15 months as volunteer help prior to drawing a salary. We both received ...
In the past 2 months I have deposited 1,200 in my bank account that was cash from tips. There is no way to prove where this cash came from. Will I be denyed a mortgage because of this. I don't need that...
I have excellent credit. My husband does not. Could I use my income of $29K and his income ($106k) to get a mortgage? My husband short sold on a property, but other then that has no other debt.
I have increased my income every year for 7 years. I took a higher paying job with higher power and know we will be moving in the next 8 months. What steps can I take now that will get me the loan I'll...
Are they possible to do? Or does it depend on the type of loan that I have. Glad to get advice.
me and my husband have a mortgage on a house can he take my name off a mortgage without me knowing
it's a fannie loan so i know it's possible in that respect, but does it have to be a primary res or second home?
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