Looking at homes in short hills nj, roughly seeing $900k properties. can i do a no-down VA mortgage in this price range?
my lease is up in 13 months and I just received money from a trust that is enough for a down payment. to end my lease early no matter what it is $1700. i don't want to throw that money away but i'm awar...
We built our dream home in 2006 and financed it with an option ARM 2nd home mortgage that we would never be able to qualify for today. But at that time, anyone with good credit could barrow any amount i...
I just spoke with wells and apparently i have to wait 4 years now? not sure this all applies to me i just want to see my options. my mortgage had been through the bank i have no idea what type of loan i...
at around 75 % LTV on my FHA mortgage now. I know it will not be eliminated when I hit the 80% mark. Not sure a refi is good option as won't I end up paying more in interest int he long run? please adv...
I gross 65000 a year with a new salary increase from last month. Is this gonig to help me at all? Fico is 718 and I do have some car loan debt. Everything always paid on time.
and i am wanting the usda option with no down payment. i am in michigan
y son and I are looking at the purchase of a home that is in need of fairly extensive repair. Can you give me some quick information about the process? Could he (or we) get a fast pre-approval in order ...
We are looking to move to a bigger home about 800 more Sq ft. The mortgage is within our means but the down payment needs to come from the equity built in our existing home after we sell. How would we ...
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