I have been self-employed for the past 10 years and the business has been doing great. My family and I are planning to buy a multi-family apartment worth $3 million. We have no debts other than the curr...
I was ready to buy a condo with a conventional loan but I lacked the funds for closing costs which amounted to $4k. My money is tied up in stocks that I can’t liquidate in time and I am afraid that I ...
I was approved for an FHA loan at 3.5% fixed for 30 years. My monthly payments would be $1,700 which is higher than I expected. I am a single mom and I’m not sure if I can afford the payments. I still...
I got pre-approved at 2.5% for a conventional loan at 30 years. I have a FICO of 837 and 822. My builder has a preferred lender that offers 3.125% with a 20% down payment. Can they force me to use thei...
I live in NY and I’m shopping around for a conventional loan with a 3% down payment. I have a student loan and paying $300 a month to be fully paid in 2 years. Should I get an FHA or USDA loan?
I live in a studio apartment in Boulder and I am looking to refinance. I refinanced last year and got a 25 year at 3.5% and plan to refi again to a 20 year at 2.75%. Should I go on with the refinance or...
I plan to buy a home in Florida next year. I’ve been working in the healthcare industry for 2 years now and I was told that I should work in the same industry for a longer period and make more money t...
I want to know if I can refinance a home with plenty of equity even when employed for just 2 years with nothing to show before that? My credit score is 720 without any debts at the moment.
I am looking for a trusted lender in California that can offer low rates and closing costs. My credit score is 750, I have a car loan where I pay $300 a month and I can afford a 5% down payment for a n...
I plan to invest in a multi-family apartment and I can put down at least 50% for a down payment. I only need $100k from a lender and I would like to know if a 15 year or 30 year mortgage is better? I ow...
I went through a terrible divorce which led me to file a chapter 7 bankruptcy and surrender my home. The bankruptcy was discharged in 2018 and I plan to apply for a loan for a new apartment unit. Would ...
My family is moving from Texas to California. We want to get a loan for a new home but I haven’t started with my new company yet. Will this affect my loan application? I worked for 10 years in my prev...
I have an e-commerce business that has been doing well for the past 6 years. My family and I are looking to purchase an amazing beachfront home where we also want to retire. The home costs a million dol...
I got into COVID forbearance at the start of the pandemic since my income was not stable during that time. I just sold my home and paid for the mortgage in full. I want to know if I can apply for a new ...
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