My grandfather willed his home to us and it has been vacant for almost a year. we would like to refinance, take some money out to fix up the home and sell it (maybe a HELOC. The loan is still a VA loan ...
My grandmother owns her home out-right and is selling it to me to help me build my credit, for next to nothing ($66,999). I do not have a down payment , FICO is 668, and income is $72k annually, I been ...
I have been approved for a loan (30 yr fix) at rate of 4.56%. Although I have not locked my rate in, I am worried with the Federal announcement tomorrow, it could change drastically. Should I be worried...
Can I refinance only $ 100000
I'd like to refinance my house for a lower interest rate, I have 686 FICO, income $62.5k/annually, missed 1 payment in 2014. I don't want to change my mortgage company. I would like to refi without clos...
My daughter is planning to buy a house in her name and she wants me to be a lender with appropriate interest rate for a 30 year loan. What are the tax implications for both of us? Shall I sell my stock...
We live in a non community property state. My wife is purchasing a house and I am not going to be on title or on the app. My income is not being considered in the DTI ratio.In 2015 I had some expenses a...
I am half way through my loan on buying my home in the new state. My husband was transferred and I had to sell my home and buy a new one. He is currently living in my truck till the home closes. I told ...
I started receiving tax free retirement pension and want to purchase a condo. My income is $66k/annually, FICO 668. I know that for FHA uses gross income to calculate rations. Having only a net income d...
Do disabled Veterans get discounts on points or reduction of fees based on disability resulting from their service? I am 25% disabled, does this also effect any discounts?
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