I have an eviction on my record from 2011. It doesn't show on my credit report, but it is searchable in the court records. I am looking to purchase a condo, and want to know if this will be a factor?
Here's my loan scenario Let me know if you can helpI have property in fremont CA worth 1.04 millioncurrent 1st mortgage loan: 693ksecond mortgage (HELOC): 100kpersonal loan: 100kI would like to refi int...
Are the rates advertised on this site reasonable or are they too aggressive?
Hello, we are looking for advice for a first time homebuyer. We are moving to Corvallis, OR later this year for graduate school. At a minimum I’ll be there 2 years but possibly many more as it could ...
I have a apartment complex that is located on 2836 wyandot st denver colorado 80213 it's considered hylands area great location needing quick cash to close on another property. Wyandot is free and clear...
I am looking to purchase for about 580k-600k, and wondered what the typical amount is to put down on a property of this size?
Hello, I am trying to find out which financial institutions would be more friendly to a low credit score. Would I be better off going with a credit union? Or a large bank?
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