I am in California if that matters.
My fiance and I are getting married.. He had to short sold his house a year ago and we are thinking we should wait to get married until after I buy a house on his credit does not affect the loan.. Is th...
My brother and I inherited my father's home my brother bought my %50 share of the home and I would like my name taken off the title...what are the proper steps? who do I contact
Last year I bought a Home and now I am looking into refinance I sat down with my current lender but I am still pretty confused as the the best option. I got a good faith estimate.What information do i...
We already have an fha loan. can we get a refinance loan thru 203k?
I just got a credit report done and I have a credit score of 620 can I obtain a Home Loan?
I would like to purchase a home.I am employed by a large bank. I was told that I get employee discount (no underwritting fee, no application fee, best rate etc saving up to $2000 they claimed). But th...
Hello,I am having an urgent problem,The seller give us $9000 fixing credit, and turns out I can only use it against closing cost of Mortgage,However, the closing cost is only $7800 after 0.35 point orig...
I want to help my son and daughter in law buy their first home. Why isn't it allowed for parents to give the down payment?
I curretnly have a FHA loan. I want to sell this home to buy another. Can i get another FHA loan?
different websites use a different credit ratting tool or system. what score is a mortgage lender going off of?
We filed separate taxes but I am curious do both parties get equal rights to claim the interest? or is it only the personal living in the home?
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