i file bankrupcy in 2008, but my lender never forclosed on the home untill 2010. i have a credit score of 675 can i get a home loan now if my caviers wont clear?
i have been renting for 5 years now with no late rental payments and receipts to back that up, but due to divorce i have a low credit score and want to buy a house, is it possible
I'm in the process to purchase the short sale house. The seller bank (BOA) required that we could only put down less than 10% down payment to receive the closing cost credit that they promise us if we p...
I own a small motel my first sba loan is with morage then I have a 2nd sba loan for 15,000 3 rd loan is sba loan for 22,000 I want to refinaceI have been told that when I refinace I have to pay off all...
In nj, i owe 158k on home worth 210k. Credit score 630 NO missed payments(AMEX lowered credit limits to what my bal was so it appears i maxed out cards). I was unemployed in 2010 but made ALL mortgage, ...
I am sorry I should have given more detail...2.0 acres with sewer and water...32x32 steel garage (put up this year) we have torn the old house down and have 2 older mobile homes on property. Credit scor...
cash out no current mortgage land value around 25,000 credit scores between 550-600.
I'm currently trying to buy a foreclosure, $8500, I need some answers for some questions. Please call me at 678-574-2403.
I have a home worth 205,000, with 160,000 left on the mortgage, currently at a 6% rate. If I make roughly 55k and my wife makes 40k a year with a similar credit score, can I expect a low rate for my ref...
I need to put a new roof on my home and am looking for help with financing.
My fioncee and I both just started new jobs this year. He started his in Septemeber, and mine began in December. We both had been collecting unemployment prior to that after losing our last jobs. We bot...
Iam applying for a mortgage with a score of 619 to 639 between three credit scores and have 5000 to put down also have an someone else income but they will not be added to the mortgage can you use some...
I am a real estate agent. My client was just told after contracting for a home in Howard County that the lender can no longer do an 80-10-10 loan with fixed 2nd, both loans 30-year, because Howard Coun...
Can anybody help?
score is in 500 range but lots equity in primarily residence - dc is excluded from programs researched. Told I needed file bankruptcy, is there another way? Washington DC
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