My husband and I are wanting to buy our first home. He makes the money and has a good job but I have the better credit. I havestayed home with our child for the past 3 years and now have recently starte...
My refinancing application got to the underwriting stage, only to get rejected because of my current source of income being foreign and haven't been filed on tax return. My original mortgage is owned by...
I have a Freddie Mac loan with Chase; it's 115% underwater. Can't qualify for Harp 2.0 since I refied in 2010 to get out of a stupid interest only loan; credit score is 757 and I've never been late. D...
We started this process in December 2011. We were preapproved to buy a house. We found one that a builder owned and he offered to buy ours if we bought that house. Well that house did not appraise high ...
Hello I have a conventional loan with hsbc and i will like to know if i could refinance to a fha loan . The reason I want a fha loan is because I think my house won't appraise , which means its underwat...
Is there any help for me? I am a single working mom of one little one. I make about 32k a year, but my credit score is only 565...I want to move into a place and get a fresh start. What can I do?
Is there any help for me? I am a single working mom of one little one. I make about 32k a year, but my credit score is only 565...I want to move into a place and get a fresh start. What can I do?
I have 3 mortgages with the wife and she has one in her name only for a total of 4 for her My question is our last loan officer told us that 4 mortgages is the max you can have now, I have 3 my wife has...
Looking to buy a home up to $1 million.... I know a lot of factors go into qualifying for a mortgage, but looking to see what is the equity requirements. I got a quote for 4.125 with LTV of 75%. Thanks
Best 100% Loan to Value va cash out refinancing Lenders
I have a 30 Year Fixed with timely payment 2.made about 36 payment 3.home value is >20% than what i Owe 4.Credit score is 740 plus.5.Currently have with Chase.
I just want to know if we want to buy a house / townhouse because we bought a house last 2004 worth is $360,000 under my name , my husband name , my mom and my sister name so we are 4 in the contract bu...
I own a home and have a Wells Fargo loan. I want to rent it out since I am getting married and we will live in his home. I live in KS
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