I'm trying to pay off a $70,000 loan at 5.000% but I've been offered 2.750% from Chase. Currently, I'll be paying off my loan by 2015. If I accept, will I be paying for much longer? Is it worth it?
Basic info: owe 391,344 on home, but we are underwater (LTV 110-118%). Current rate is 5.875% and Bank of America was paying the PMI for us. So, we did have PMI on original loan, but they paid it---cu...
I just started my refi application with my current servicer for a HARP 2.0 and have locked my rate. Since they are doing a manual underwrite it will be very streamlined and will not need an appraisal a...
OK I'm about to do a HARP refi and I'm not sure which rate to lock in. For a 3.99 rate after rebates and closing costs I would be adding about $1800 to my previous loan and the monthly payment would ar...
OK here is my situation:For the last 2 years now I have been doing consulting work and receiving income as a 1099-MISC and independent contractor. My last 2 years of tax returns have a Schedule C (Pro...
I'm looking to refinance on a 30 year loan but I'm unsure how to proceed. When I got an appraisal, it was lower than expected and set my LTV to 97%. I refinanced before the cutoff date for Harp so I don...
I want to refinance with HARP for a lower payment.
I thought it I locked in my rate it was a done deal. Can they do this?
Hello, Soon, I will be applying for a Harp 2.0 refinance on my property in Florida (applying through my 1st mortgage holder). I also have a 2nd mortgage on the property and understand that Harp 2.0 requ...
What are the minimum credit scores to obtain an FHA and Conventional loan in PA, after a chapter 7 bankruptcy discharge? How long do you have to wait after the bankruptcy has been discharged to qualify?
What are the main differences in FHA loans and VA loans? I'm a retired vet and am considering purchasing a home for my full retirement from my career in Florida. Is a VA loan a better option because I a...
BYRAM MS 39272 7/24 12:15 - just spoke to a mature man looking to refinance. I can't help him with a modification because he makes too much income. Monthly Income - SS $1009 (age 65), pension $5400. Le...
Where should I start? My score is in the high 600 (almost 700), and I plan on puting 50% down on a 40k loan. My income is not too high, but its steady. My partner has good income, but his score is in th...
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