if he is the realtor on the purchase of the subject property can the brother/realtor gift the funds from his commission on the sale towards the borrower's downpayment? Would this differ from loan type ...
does a closing agent have the authority to stop a closing it it is suspected that the underwriting was poorly done
if a borrower receives an average of 3000 per month in reimbursed expenses....would we add or deduct this from his monthly income....
is the credit report an acceptable source for validating a social security number
must the amendatory language always be signed by the buyer and seller prior to completing the appraisal
how does this affect the ltv on an FHA loan
the loan has been insured by FHa..can we assume that the mortgage company was able to get the appraiser that did the appraisal assigned to the case but did not put documentation in the file
Hello, I'm on ssi disability and in the process of owning my own home. my mortgage broker told me i needed a letter from my doctorstating my disability. i have a letter from my doctor and also my disabi...
My mortgage company refi my house without my approval or knowledge and never told me. They did not sell the note they Refied it from one FHA loan to a new one. They never filed the abstract with the s...
I've been inquiring about refinancing under the HARP 2.0 program for a while now and no one seems to be able to do it. My loan is currently serviced by BOA and has LPMI. I live in IL and am a 121% LTV...
We have a 10 year loan on our current house at about a $3300/month payment. Combined we make $150K - me being self employed, and my spouse a W2 employee. We have no other debt. We have 20% down for a $6...
What are the minimum amounts that an fha or usda loan must be
should i do just the roof and gutters or should i go all in and rehab the entire place to make more money in the long run, if i did do the whole thing how could i finance this and if i did the whole enc...
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