Me and my husband own a house in El Paso, TX and would like to refinance it. WE currently live in Europe and are renting our property in Us while we are gone. We get our income from a local company, but...
Me and my husband own a house in El Paso, TX and would like to refinance it. WE currently live in Europe and are renting our property in Us while we are gone. We get our income from a local company, but...
Can someone please explain this to me? I know someone who just closed on a home loan today.This person had 4 collections and only 1 credit card.They transferred to a new job just 6 months ago.The loan o...
I am currently in the process of doing a loan modification. If my bank decides to lower my principal loan, will I be able to sell my house in the future? or will I run into any kind of problems?
Can anyone refer me to a lender who can refi a 160% LTV rental in Vegas? balance is 245,000. we have excellent credit and this is a fannie mae loan.
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my loan had previously been approved but was denied at the last minute because, after looking at my takes, they noticed that my husband had a business loss. is this an acceptable reason to deny a mortga...
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