January I started temp to hire, started full employment in April. Full time, low salary at $30k a year at a reputable and stable non-profit. No usable history prior to January 2012. 740 TU08 only deb...
My mom just did a reverse mortgage on her home which she just closed a couple months ago and now she passed away. I want to keep the house I grew up in, most of the money she has left just a few thousan...
I'm on the mortgage with my ex, my name appears there and on a few other papers over the title "borrower" however I found the "NOTE". It's a two page document and although these are not originals and do...
My situation is this, I currently make 125k a year with an additional 25-75k in bonuses depending on gross margin for the year (evaluated and payed quarterly). I bought a condo in 2007 for ~350k and my...
Hi, I have a question regarding financing 5 prop's but have a unique situation in that the 4 I own now are all rented so my 5th will be a primary.I have been out of the country almost 15 months now and ...
I am applying for an FHA loan - I've been in the same line of work for 6 years, sales. Previous employer 3.7 years and current employer 13 months. I earn base plus commission with my previous and base p...
Looking to refi my 1st mortgage (240K Balance), and hopefully cash out (35K). Also have a HELOC of 150K. Current value on house is about 435K, which puts me about about 89%LTV without cash out. Curre...
I want to do some remodeling and home improvements. Is this possible?
Do you work with commercial loans at about $235,000? Do you check credits, and do you charge points, apraisel fees ect?My e-mail: kkristys@yahoo.comKathy Sivov
I passed the eligibility test for a HARP loan..I never missed a mortgage payment in the whole 6 years I had the mortgage, mortgage is backed up by Fannie Mae, etc.... and I have a descent income (I have...
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