I should be able to get a loan through a community bank with an originator that will actually let me explain myself?
My mortgage history is good, other credit is paid. I have a first mortgage and home equity loan that I would like to refi and cash out to pay off the $2600 charge off and other balances. I have equity...
Our credit scores are in the upper 600s.
I went through some temporary financial hardship and am slowly recovering but my credit score still leaves a lot to be desired. Can my income compensate for this?
I know that it includes a 1.75% pmi fee but I've heard that the rest is much less expensive than traditional refinance closing costs
Looking for points of contacts at Bank of America for escalation. I've already gone to "CEO Presidents" office with absolutely no help.
What mortgage programs are easy to qualify with lower credit scores? I'm recovering but still have a ways to go to restore it entirely
Can I finance all of the closing costs into the loan?
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