On a FHA loan can the seller and/or the realtor offer any monetary concessions or credits back to the buyer/borrower to helpt the buyer with down payment or closings costs associated with purchasing a h...
Have +800 credit score, income of $300K and only other loan is a Home Equity Loan of $200K with a current balance of $170K. Would I qualify? Should I pay off the Home loan and use a smaller down paymen...
Currently have a condo in Irvine (primary residence) with an FHA 1st (balance $80K @6%) and a HELOC through Chase ($69k @4.99%). We have about $76K in equity (min). We tried to do a refi (to a fully ...
My boyfriend and I both own our own homes. We have mortgages on both, and are currently in the process of selling his (we are working on getting it listed). Because his home is in an undesirable locat...
I'm applying for a HARP refinance and my lender says its necessary, but i was under the impression that appraisals were good for 90 days
I purchase a home that is now underwater and lenders are telling me that I can't refinance
Can I use the rent as income for this purchase?
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