Can you get a home loan when your student loans are in default?
Is there any difference in PMI rates between conventional loans and FHA?
Hi,I am a US citizen living in Australia. The property prices here are just ridiculous so I and my husband are wishing to buy a property in the US in Alpharetta Georgia area. At present my credit sco...
I am thinking about selling my condo and upgrading to a house. I am concerned about coming up with a 20% down payment. Are lenders still allowing 10% down? I really haven't looked into it much yet. Figu...
I owe 15,140 to my second mortgage, the original balance was $16k and I've been paying on it for 6.5 yrs, yes that means they have only been applying less then $20 a month towards the principal balance....
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My wife and I jointly bought a second home 1 year ago and changed our primary residence while renting out our former home. Then, I was laid off from work for 2 months, fell behind in the payments and at...
Are you offering any no-cost re-fis like in the 3.5% APR range for 30 yrs these days? I have my primary residence with BBT on a 30 yr, fixed 4.875% loan with $85K balance ($155K house value), plus a si...
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