Want loan mod but worryied about how credit rating will be affected. is HAMP different - it is from the government as i understand so is it a safer bet?
ive never used my VA benefits for buyig a house and no longer active so not sure who to ask abuot this - what do i do for a VA loan? do i need to go through the VA to get a VA mortgage or do i need pape...
Is that realistic? Otherwise, we still have to pay rent on september? how do u calculate pro-rate on rent? we have found the house and getting our docs in order
My husband has 2 judgments on his credit report that are 9 years old both wrote off but still sitting show they will be off in 2016. Since getting married 3 years ago we have both been trying to improv...
i do not know what mortgage i can afford or range of pricing with homes. i bring home 58 per year before taxes, have a car loan out ($230 per month) and pay a little child support ($300 per month) don't...
I'd like a USDA mortgage but right now I have FHA. Is this an option? 733 credit
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