I was able to get my apartment because my parents cosigned but they did not pay rent, utilities etc. i have just never had a credit card. Ive paid a lot of electric bills, gas bills, rent etc. Can this ...
if i'm building my own house, approx $320,000 - if i were to finance this how much should i put down on construction loan? fico 742. i own my home now but did not build.
There is a lot going on under the surface for this writer. I own 22 with 20 paid for and 2 have mortgages. I want to consolidate all outstanding debts into one loan. Does anyone have a suggestion that c...
Pursuing FHA cashout but I'm at 80% LTV. Can I do this and can I take out 15% equity? My credit is 736 and I have nver been late on a payment. I've heard for cashout refinances you need more than 80 the...
My mother recently took out a reverse mortgage on her home. She and I have lived her the same amount of time and I will be sixty one (61) in December of this years. I was told by the person who did my...
My lender just asked me to prove 12 months of rent but my boyfriend pays it. What should I tell my lender??
fico 718 and i have tax returns etc to show. but can i get a usda loan at all? i have a store so it gives me pretty steady salary.
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