me and my wife want to buy this home but it is a modular or manufactured home. my question is is there anyway to get a home loan to cover 100% of purchase price?We live in and are wanting to purchase in...
me and my wife want to buy this home but it is a modular or manufactured home. my question is is there anyway to get a home loan to cover 100% of purchase price?
I am self employed, and every lender that I have spoken to tells me that because of my tax deductions, my qualification amount is affected, Are there any lenders out there that will work with a situatio...
Looking to purchase a home for 730k in DE. I have excellent credit, and have 10% available for a down payment. I am trying to avoid paying mortgage insurance.
We have a current VA loan in the amount of $419K, and want to purchase an additional home at $399K. Is this something that we can do? If so, what is the process?
I have a low credit score (mid 500's) and I am looking to try to get my credit score up. I am wondering whether or not credit counseling or Bankruptcy is better in the eyes of a lender? And how long do...
Our home is about 50% paid off, and we are looking to pull equity out, and buy a rental property worth $120-130,000. What is the best way to go about doing this?
I am going through a divorce, and until things are settled, I am still listed on my ex-wife's mortgage. I want to obtain my own home. How realistic is this?
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