I live in NY and I’m shopping around for a conventional loan with a 3% down payment. I have a student loan and paying $300 a month to be fully paid in 2 years. Should I get an FHA or USDA loan?
I live in a studio apartment in Boulder and I am looking to refinance. I refinanced last year and got a 25 year at 3.5% and plan to refi again to a 20 year at 2.75%. Should I go on with the refinance or...
I plan to buy a home in Florida next year. I’ve been working in the healthcare industry for 2 years now and I was told that I should work in the same industry for a longer period and make more money t...
I want to know if I can refinance a home with plenty of equity even when employed for just 2 years with nothing to show before that? My credit score is 720 without any debts at the moment.
I am looking for a trusted lender in California that can offer low rates and closing costs. My credit score is 750, I have a car loan where I pay $300 a month and I can afford a 5% down payment for a n...
I plan to invest in a multi-family apartment and I can put down at least 50% for a down payment. I only need $100k from a lender and I would like to know if a 15 year or 30 year mortgage is better? I ow...
I went through a terrible divorce which led me to file a chapter 7 bankruptcy and surrender my home. The bankruptcy was discharged in 2018 and I plan to apply for a loan for a new apartment unit. Would ...
My family is moving from Texas to California. We want to get a loan for a new home but I haven’t started with my new company yet. Will this affect my loan application? I worked for 10 years in my prev...
I have an e-commerce business that has been doing well for the past 6 years. My family and I are looking to purchase an amazing beachfront home where we also want to retire. The home costs a million dol...
I got into COVID forbearance at the start of the pandemic since my income was not stable during that time. I just sold my home and paid for the mortgage in full. I want to know if I can apply for a new ...
My wife and I are planning to buy a retirement home where we can spend our time close to the beach. We want to know how we can get the lowest fees possible on closing costs? Do we lock at interest rate...
My online business is booming since the pandemic started and I want to invest in multi-unit homes in Texas. This would be my first time applying for a loan and I want to know how I could get the lowest ...
I am worried about my income sources during this pandemic and I might not be able to make mortgage payments. Will I get foreclosed if I lost my job due to COVID-19? My current loan is backed up by Fanni...
We purchased a condo last June and financed it before selling our existing home. The sale went for $1.25M and the new condo we bought was close to $1.2M. Our mortgage amounted to $900k with a low rate ...
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