If you have credit issues... The smartest thing for most people is to start working with a credit repair company. You can do it yourself, and most loan officers can give you some direction, but it can sometimes be overwhelming. Once credit is repaired, happy house hunting.
Hello Monique,First you need to start with a current credit report & have a mortgage professional go through everything with you & what the best ways to increase your scores. There are some do's & don'ts you need to be aware of so you don't hurt your current credit. I am located here in TN, you can click on my photo & it will take you to my information if you want to give my office a call to discuss options for you.Thanks
Hi Monique, I have a lot of luck with clients with challenged credit. I have access to software which enable me to run unlimited scenarios for things we could do as well as how it would affect your score. In addition, I can use this software to project out in time so we can see what the effect will be in one month, or two, or more. Often I can get peoples score up significantly while we process their applications which results in a better rate at the settlement. I'm happy to help with the financing or just give you advice. If you need more information, or a competing rate quote call, email or use my live support button to discuss or get in touch with me. Web Address for live chat or quote is: http://www.loansfromrob.com/quote/ Email is robertlh66@verizon.net and direct phone is 240-752-7549. Good Luck -- Rob Hanson
You really need to speak to a mortgage pro and have them go over your entire scenario as their are many facets to being approved for a loan. Credit is a major part but many others, with at least a 560 credit score you can apply for an FHA loan. I've heard of some lenders that possibly go below that ,but very few and very difficult to close. Work with a pro and work on your credit.
You should work on boosting your credit before applying for a home loan. If your credit score is too low you will not be able to qualify for a home loan.
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