My home could use a few upgrades, but is it worth it?
I've been renting in the same place for 3 years, I've filled my taxes for the last 5 years and I've been working tha same place for 7 years. Thanks
The term without the "re" is already confusing enough. Please explain.
My roommate and I have been living together for the past 6 years. We both have good jobs in the area that we live in. We want to buy a condo across the street from our place together. But we have tons o...
I have managed to keep my house in the positive. There is about 20k that I can play with if I were to refinance. I don't really need to, but I'm afraid that if I don't do it now, that I might lose the o...
Found the condo that I want, but not sure about the loan. I know that it's best to shop around, but I don't want my credit score to be negatively impacted. What's the deal?
When we pay off our mortgage, will we still be able to claim the interest we pay on our line of credit loan on our income tax?
My husband and I are looking for a place to buy. We both have good jobs, but we want to buy something that we can afford together. If something were to happen to either one of us, I would want our home ...
We are looking at the $350k range, we have about $17,000 for down payment and a middle score of 640, up from a 570 score when we closed out short sale March 2009.
I live in PA and have excellent credit w/ gross income over $180k a year. I also have about 45% down. I want to finance $200-400k. What is the best rate for a purchase. I want to set it up for 10yrs...
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