must the amendatory language always be signed by the buyer and seller prior to completing the appraisal
how does this affect the ltv on an FHA loan
the loan has been insured by FHa..can we assume that the mortgage company was able to get the appraiser that did the appraisal assigned to the case but did not put documentation in the file
Where can I find a HARP 2.0 Broker in MD that doesn't have Short Sale overlay?thanks
Ok, I'm trying to determine if i should apply or just rent. I have worked for over 5 years and I worked consistently at the same. I am now making 22k a year part time and i graduated last year. In Janua...
want to buy a bank owned foreclosure listed for 31,000. have 3000.00 saved want to know how to get a conventional loan with 5 % down. house needs cosmetic updating
(continued from previous post)we were paying the "Special Forbearance" payments timely. The remaining 3-4 months we have been banging our heads against WF's walls! Know any government officials that w...
how do i delete my actt.. im not a lender or realtor i thought this was a different site
Corporation has owner occupied Commercial Bldg in southeast Houston 77011 . No mortgage on bldg at present Looking for a mortgage of approx 100k to be used for upgrading equipment and purchasing inv...
do notary companies or attorney's keep a copy of all work done with clients?
Bought my property and the rehab with cash, and I've owned it for 13 months. Comps around me are roughly $55,000, and my credit is 700. Looking for 75% LTV ($37,500 - $40,000) cash-out refinance of inve...
i have been on a mortorium for 2 years now, before i went on one i was told i was at the lowest income now(iwas working then)it was hard for me to pay 655.00 mth. now on SSD (why the moratorium) i was t...
We're having trouble getting approved for the amount we want based on my wife's salary being about 25% comision and her not having been at this job for over 2 years. With her commision we would qualify ...
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