Please contact Winston Rowe & Associates at 248-246-2243 or if you are selling commercial real estate notes.
Requirements for Max percentage of 1,2,3,4 and more bedrooms? What is percentage loan to value
My name is Linda John I am ahappy woman today, and I told my self that any lender that rescue my familyfrom our poor situation, I will refer any person that is looking for loanto him, he gave happiness ...
We want to end our escrow account with lender and pay ourself.what are rules on this?Additional details of your question here
Hi I am a 34 year old male and my monthly mortgage is $2400 per month. I have been blessed with a great job in sales - well the pay is good but I no longer like the environment and would like to go bac...
Do you need a loan to pay your bills? If yes,contact US ON THIS EMAIL...( ) with this following details... (1) Full Name(2)Loan Amount Needed(3)Duration(4) country(5)Phone numb...
I have a client that needs a large bridge loan on two properties in MA to purchase another home. We need a Private Lender in MA to complete the loan. If you know of anyone please contact me at P: 888-3...
I'm currently in the final stages of buying my 1st home through a short sale. While in underwriting, an error was found where my return should property taxes paid. I have never owned a home and have fil...
We issued a return premium check to BAC in error and trying to have them reimburse us. We are an insurance company located in Cherry Hill, NJ and I have been trying to get thru to someone, but cannot b...
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