I would like to do a refinance or equity loan on a FHA HAMP modification- partial claim loan. Would this be possible? I have been paying my loan on time and it will be 2 years in February. I live in FL,...
We have not had contact with you. My personal information has been compromised recently, and I need to ensure someone is not using it here.Mrs. Brooks
How do I verify my email? Why do I have to? I've already activated my account.
We have excellent credit and income, just no down payment. Our income is too high to qualify for services to help low-income households. Please advise.
My 2013 tax statement is in process of being amended through the IRS. Do I just use the one I have to apply for a loan? Or is there something that I can obtain in the meantime?
I am looking for a lender in NM to assist us in buying a condo, but we are currently out of the country for the next 8 months. Can this be done?
We are liquidating a VA VA Case 60857294 via Short Sale through Ocwen Servicing. We provided them a Good Faith Estimate to support closing costs. The negoiator at Ocwen states it is a VA Mandatory Gui...
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