I want to remove my name from the title of the house with my x-husband. He refuses to remove me...Is this possible?
With rates fluctuating so frequently, is the ARM loan something that borrowers should reconsider these days? I know that fixed rates are most popular, but the market is so volatile i feel that locking m...
My Co-Signer is not American and lives in North Korea, my uncle. Do Co-signers have to be in the same country as the primary borrower?
I just read that Feds raised rates today - is now a good time to buy?
I have been looking to applying for a home loan, and when I went to pull my credit yesterday (i pull monthly) I saw that my auto finance company did not report the last 2 payments. Will this negatively ...
Does it need to have rails for stairs, perfect siding, ect.
How difficult is it to get a land loan? I've been living in a trailer on land owned by a old family friend that has passed away in February this year. I don't want to get kicked off the land by the new ...
I was told by a close friend that use to be a Broker that many Real estate Agents or Lenders will negotiate the points on the back end of the loan to make the down payment lower, is this standard practi...
complaint is for inferior parts used for plumbing and leaks. need financing. 8 units have been purchased between feb and august so someone is financing. do you know who?
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