I currently own 2 properties with traditional loans but want to buy a duplex and considering commercial loan.
We're seperated and he owes back child support. I think he also has medical bills and has a low credit score. He said that he'll sign agreed to sign a quitclaim.
I owe about 180k on my mortgage and my house is worth about 250k. I have about 18k in cc debt that I want to pay off, plus get 7k cash out to help my daughter. Would I be able to refi + cash out for a n...
My grandma wants to give me and my brother her home. Its appraised at 425k with about 125k still on the mortgage. My brother and I have credit scores at about 600-630. Can we qualify?
Here's some background info: *Looking at around 120K to 150k. *Income 47K to 55K before taxes. *no savings *Down payment gifted by my mom, about 30K * monthly payment total about 400 * 2 kids
I was looking for my loan docs and they have my fiance's name wrong. They put Samuel but his legal name is Sam. He changed it some years ago so as not to have it confused with his dads name --Samuel.
i have some land in freer texas could intake a loan out on it.
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