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Owe 18,000 on mobile is a 1975 but has been completed gutted and stick built recent appraisal 35,000 and now have a 2 car garage on same property over 17,000. Home in South Dakota is 17,500 stick built ...
My current home is being used as a rental property and now that I am back from several years overseas I will be moving back into it in 90 days once the renters are out. Can I refinance it as a primary h...
Me and my fiance are wanting to buy a home together. I had a divorce back in 2010 where I had to file bankruptcy and I was dishcraged in Jan 2011 from all debt including our home. The home is now in for...
I hope someone can help. I'm looking to refi a set of loans I used at the time of purchase. I have non-Freddie or Fannie loans by Bank of America who refused to help with refi or restructuring. i have n...
I am looking to take out a home equity loan to pay my kid's college. I have a 670 credit score and my home is appraised at 190,000 with a 50% LTV... is doing a home equity better than a refinance?
We do not have any equity in our home and only have a 5k saved. Since we are unable to sell and are underwater, we would like to make improvements and stay put til the market gets better. We have B+ cre...
I'm stationed in Hawaii and want to purchase a home in Las Vegas, where I intend to live after I retire in a couple years. Given that we wouldn't be able to occupy the house for a couple years, but that...
My mom gifted me the money to buy a house. What are my options to get her the cash back? Refi, home equity, first? I am self employed what is the loan ratio and docs needed to do either or best course?
I need to get someone's name off a mortgage, and I have someone who can be the cosigner because I will not qualify for the refinance alone. Is this something that is allowed?
Find a lender allow a buyers from Puerto Rico Income taxes buy a house in florida
I need some repairs done to my deck and I want to get the equity to do so. How can I find out how much is there?
We have outstanding tax liabilities from 2005, 2006 and 2007. We have a payment arrangement with the IRS which has been in place for a couple of years now. There are no liens in place. How will this eff...
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