I do not own a home currently. Lost my home in a divorce in 2010 but now I'm ready to buy again. I'm looking in more rural areas so I'm interested in USDa for the zero down option. Can I do it or is the...
how to get past this nonwarrantable problem? is there no loan for these types of condos and they must be bought cash?
Is that true? I can't tell if they're just trying to get me to get a mortgage through them. But I know having credit pulled for a new credit card weakens my score so hoping for the right answer!
Should we lock or will the rates keep going down until the new year?
i have a 671 and only 4.5% to put down toward a mortgage with fannie mae. will i qualify for any help that is available?
My question is if I can afford the down payment of 5%, is it better to get a conventional than a VA ?
what kind of loan and how much should i put down if my husband and i want to buy and rent out a duplex. this will be our second property we're renting but the first is a condo we lived in when we were f...
In the porcess of applying for a loan (BB&T) , I was required to pay $18 for a credit report. After being denied the loan, I asked the mortgage lender for a copy of the credit report and she told me she...
My husband and I would like to buy our first house, live in it, but then ultimately rent it out and purchase another house, then hopefully do the same thing. Plans were halted once we were told we canno...
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