My feeling is the MI should decrease since balance owed is 20,000. less than original mortgage loan. I have been offered a refinance at 3.25% (3.87 now) but the MI will increase from 37. to 57. and my ...
I want to but a condo and down size. Can I rent my current property with a FHA Streamline loan?
I used a VA home loan about 12 years ago to buy a home and now I'm looking to buy another house. I was curious if I could purchase another house with a VA loan
i do not know who currently even has my mortgage
I am confident i'll be approved to go the conventional loan route and hoping to negotiate that the seller will pay closing fees. Is this allowed on fannie/freddie loans? i have never gotten a mortgage b...
homestyle fannie mae refinance
i've got student loans left over and only one credit card. my score is 721 but do i have enough credit to even get approved for a mortgage, and which one? any help would be great as i have not owned bef...
I've received this advice but my brother and his wife survived a mortgage closing just fine without having legal representation. Trying to make this process an ANTIheadache. Is the lawyer really necessa...
I know more information is needed but overall I'm concerned about my score. I am in Miami Gardens.
Little debt and I am down to 2 lines of credit. Been working on repairing credit for the past year and I have over 35% equity at the moment. I am not looking to withrdaw all
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