If my dad is willing to help co-sign my mortgage, do they use his credit profile, or mine when determining mortgage rates and eligability?
my husband and I purchased property together, both names on the mortgage. We are seperated, in the process of a diviorce. We have been seperated over a year, with no willingness on his part to settle, g...
I have some outstanding credit card debt, roughly 2k, evenly spread out on 3 cards, been on time with minimum payments or more. I make roughly 60,000 after taxes a year, my credit is roughly around 735i...
I currently have a credit score of 623, 635, and 651 and I'm trying to clean it up in order to get good rates on a mortgage. I've contacted my credit card company and began making payments to what I cur...
For example, I'm in San Diego County, just east of Carlsbad and I was wondering if I can still use the USDA loan program as it is a rural area, but its in a metropolitan county. Thanks.
Can I qualify for any loan program with a 667 credit score? Found a nice house worth 175k, I make roughly 50k a year, and have a car payment. Currently renting.
We are looking to purchase a Freddie Mac home, but are approved for Rural Development financing. Our lender will not allow more than 6% in concessions for closing costs on an RD loan. I've been reading ...
I currently have a mortgage for a 235k home, I believe there is 60-70% of the loan to value still there. My credit is decent, roughly around 760 and my wife and I have been working for more than two yea...
I was in a traffic accident and the injured party is filing for medical costs in total of 20k and I'm about 2-3 weeks away from getting a mortgage. Can this hurt my chances at a mortgage or is this comp...
I've been employed for close to a decade, credit card debt had my hamstrung about 3 years ago, but I am rebuilding. If I can get that 20% down payment with my annual income of 65k, can I get this home?
I was working for the last three years and have been gearing up to buy a home, but I was just laid off last week. They did give me a severance of three months of half my pay and I do have some possible ...
I currently have a 340k home with an LTV of 75ish%, credit dropped due to bad credit card payments, never been late on the mortgage. Been at the same job, making around 90k along with my wife who works ...
I recently lost my job after 2yrs & 2 months of employment. I was let go right before thanksgiving & probably won't be able to find work in the same field until january. Believe me, I'm trying! How long...
Had a bankruptcy and everything was discharged in January 2009, caused by my wife's failing business.In a month it will be three years since the discharge. My score is about 650. Can I get a conventiona...
I'm looking for a mortgage, my father is willing to co-sign until I can refinance on my own. Can I still do this without 2 year's of history? I have just shy of that and can muster a 20% down payment as...
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