First time to buy a home and found a place that's perfect for my needs. I'm working with my agent to make an offer. Property costs $390k and there are minor issues that I would like the owners to addres...
Happy new year to all! I'm looking for a lender who works only with veterans who have credit scores below 620. I'm from Hampton, NJ. I prefer to work with fellow servicemen if anyone owns a mortgage com...
Does anyone know if lenders are still using a .05% to account for student loan payment if I want to buy a home? My loans are at $150k and I don't have that much income right now. Things have not been go...
I plan to buy my first studio type apartment in a few months and I am torn between paying off my student loans or use my savings toward a down payment. What move will give me a higher chance of getting ...
I need answers on the 28/36 rule, some say this is a myth and I want to get clarity on this once and for all. Once I sell my home I will be debt free. I prefer to go past the 28% front end and use all 3...
Hi, are there any mortgages that allows a higher DTI with a good credit score than an FHA loan? I'm having difficulty getting above 160k because of my DTI. Are hard money loans a good alternative if eve...
I was offered to buy points to lower interest rates on my VA loan. I have a loan currently but getting divorced soon so I need to get out of this loan and give it back so he can use it. I have a great r...
Is it common for escrow payments to double since March of 2021? From $741 I am now paying $1,500. Increases are normal but isn't this too much? I asked my lender and they said that it might be due to pr...
Hi everyone, my lender is stressing me out! Home inspection, VA appraisal and termite letters are all finished and we were looking forward to an early close because both buyer and seller agreed. Lender ...
I am planning to buy a home at $250k. I have $15k in cash and another $15k that I can pull from my investments. Hoping to get a conventional loan at 3% down. Mid credit score is 660. I make $60k a year ...
I found a property I want to buy and all seems good. The lenders surveyor went to the property and came back and said the won't lend as the owners has owned it only for 2 to 3 months. When I talked wit...
My loan has a 3% interest rate and I've been paying for 2 years and 6 months now. I've computed the taxes and insurance and lender has pocketed $15k and applied $10k on my loan so far, is this a normal ...
What are the benefits of being a first time homebuyer? I heard that if we haven't owned a home in 3 years we are considered first time homebuyers, is this true? Our income is close to $180k a year and o...
Hi, we are looking to buy a condo or townhouse in California worth $930k. I am shopping around for the best lender, loan type and rates before I lock in. This is my first time buying and I want to ask f...
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